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Spinning Babies®

Increasing comfort during pregnancy & facilitating baby's position for childbirth.

The Spinning Babies® approach presents a new perspective on the anatomy of pregnancy, labor and its relationship to baby's position. 


The question "Where is the baby?" in the pelvis, helps us understand that the baby's position is the result of the space available in the mother's body. It is therefore key to "make room for the baby", using balance, gravity and movement.


The Spinning Babies® approach offers practical, accessible exercises that facilitate childbirth, provide solutions for long, difficult or irregular labors, relieve discomfort during pregnancy and promote the best possible positioning of the baby in the pelvis, avoiding unnecessary interventions.


Prenatal and delivery room exercises to empower you, and to feel as prepared as possible and to reduce the odds of having a cesarian1


This approach also offers a solution if your baby is breech or transverse, or if you wish to give birth vaginally after a caesarean section. In this case, please contact-me directly.


Sessions take place either privately or in group classes starting in September 2024.


  • 7 september

  • 12 october

  • 12 november

  • 21 december


More information on programs and rates.


1Clinical trial shows Spinning Babies® Reduced Cesarean Rates by up to 48%. Funk, B. (2024). The Effects of Spinning Babies® on the Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex Cesarean Rates. Journal of Obstetric, Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing, 53(4), S83.


Spinning Babies® Cours de Pilar Izquierdo Herlihy - Educatrice Certifiée Spinning Babies®.
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